Writes the ASCII black foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold black foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII blue foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold blue foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold (increased intensity) escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII cyan foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold cyan foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII faint (decreased intensity) escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII gray foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold gray foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII green foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold green foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII magenta foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold magenta foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII red foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold red foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII reset escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII yellow foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Writes the ASCII bold yellow foreground color escape code to output
if output.settings().isStyled() is true
Stylized text output utility functions.